Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1909 Vol. 2 Nr. 2.pdf/5

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Fragments of a letter from Bodil Bjørn.

Musch, 1-3-09.

A puzzling year lies behind us, we will never forget it. Last year at the turn of the year, we did not know what events we were meeting. Bitterness, misery, and hopelessness ruled among the Armenian people, but the Lord changed it all - we truly have a wonderful faithful and merciful God. Just as the Lord for a short time changed the good conditions, we will now this year wait for and pray that He will do the same great wonders with the human souls. - Dear friends. Pray Satan away from the Muschegnen! Also pray for the poor Muhammadian women who live such a merciless and futile life! They have no hope of a better life after this. Paradise is for men only. My hope is to open a small hospital here in Musch. My outpatient clinic is like you know only two small rooms and a little kitchen. At this time, when Sister Paula is here, I live in my reception room because I have left her my room in the house where v. Dobblers lives. . . In my little kitchen, I have accommodated a young, sick man from Haradøvig, who had a horrible abscess in one leg. I found him in a miserable cold barn on my last sled ride to Haradøvig, without care, without bedding and without food, and asked them to bring him on a sledge to me. We have now opened the abscess - a lot of matter comes out, I spray the wound and bind it daily, and the last few days it looks so nice that I hope he will soon recover. Gabriel looks like a skeleton, but now eats like a scrub, and looks better. He is a dear, grateful patient and a seeking soul.

I have hung a large picture of the sick of the palsy and Jesus down to him, and he very much appreciates that. - These haradøvigs are dear to me, they are so honest and have an open ear for the word of God. The new priest up there is a dear Christian, we prayed and talked together. We have enough snow now. Twice we've been skiing, as Pastor Lohmann has sent us skis! We have had a lot of cold weather, but the last days are milder.

The Committee