Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1910 Vol. 3 Nr. 2.pdf/6

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From Armenia

Sister Bodil Bjørn writes: Dear friends at home! Unfortunately, since I can’t find the time to send letters to each individual who has been delighting me with letters and other small affirmations of love, I ask you in this way to receive my heartfelt thanks. You cannot believe how all these dear letters rejoiced and touched me, warmed the cockles of my heart, but on the other hand I felt so unworthy of so much love. You must not think too great of me and the little deed which the Lord has entrusted to me here. I think I can do so little that really has lasting value, and feel incapable and humble, and yet I know that the faithful Savior will use me despite my own inability. The Lord can out here, better than at home, I think, hold us down in humility, because we daily notice our own powerlessness against all the power Satan is holding over the human souls. I have one request this year, and that is that the Lord will make me a wise soulwinner. God's Word is sown; there is work being done, praying, crying. But where are the fruits? They are only slightly turned, and that is what can often bring me down in despair and frighten me, because I would like to see a little sprouting here and there, but the only thing to do is to persevere in prayer and faith.