Page:Kvartalshilsen (Kvinnelige misjonsarbeidere). 1920 Vol. 13 nr. 2.pdf/2

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Dear friends of the Lord!

Yet again, reports of assassinations have come from "the land of blood and tears", and the cry for help from a people in great distress resonates strongly with us. May this distress call drive us to give heartfelt intercessions for those who are surrendered to death. It is such a comfort to know that also the Lord hears this cry and is able to save.

2. Mos. 3, 7—9. I have learned that with the Lord, there are exits from death. Ps. 68, 21.

As I sat here tonight saddened by the thought of all my friends down there, this word became so vivid to my soul: "Against all hope, in hope he believed”. Let us also do this when everything looks hopeless for Armenia and wait and pray until the Lord ends the captivity of his people.

From a dear Lord's servant, who for many years has been a great blessing among his people in Armenia, I recently had a letter. He urges to send sisters who are believers as they are sorely needed in the great spiritual distress down there. Among other things, he writes: “Where are the true children of God in your land? Do they not think of the poor souls of our country? Won't they give the pure and cleansing Word of God to all these souls here who remain in sin? Why don't they send you or other believers to us? - -

We need Christians who will freely give their (God's) money to spiritual literature in this area. All our newspapers and magazines in Constantinople are political and atheistic. We do not own a single "religious" magazine. The poor souls of this country are dying from a lack of spiritual food. Will dear Christian friends in your land help us? "

This pastor wants so much that we help them start a Bible school for women. Will you?

When I had read this letter, the desire to go down and help was even greater; But now it looks as if the path is closed, and I must wait until the Lord opens and shows the way. But for Him, nothing is impossible.

Blessed Easter! Jesus lives and we must live! Hallelujah!

Sincerely yours in the love of Jesus

Bodil Bjørn.