Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/101

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the most natural side for each player is the only rule.


The material used for weaving must be "cat-gut." (See Rule 1, Sec. 1.) Formerly it was customary to use cord, leather thongs, and moccasin strings, and we have seen stay laces, boot laces and tape utilized for the same purpose. The cat-gut, if good, will be transparent after being prepared in a solution of potash and water. It should be cut into straight strips of uniform thickness, and soaked in water for a few minutes before weaving. The longest strings are used first, and the weaving may be commenced by catching at the collar or peg, passing through the tip hole, across to the second hole, down to the collar or peg, up to the third hole, and so on until the length strings are completed. The inter-weaving is then done by continuing sideways, twisting the gut in a half knot as it has to cross any length string. It is much cheaper to buy than to make a crosse, but every player should learn to weave a netting for himself, as the Indian manufacturers make a hide go a long way, and have no conscientious scruples