Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/297

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Sec. 3.—The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Association and the Council; a register of Clubs in the Association, with their names, date of organization, number of members, days and places of playing, names of office-bearers, and address of the Secretary. He shall conduct all correspondence of the Association and the Council, keep a record of the decisions of the latter, on points of appeal, complaint, &c. He shall notify all officers and clubs of their election, issue all notices of meetings, and annually report to the Association. He shall receive and hold all the funds of the Association, and disburse the same. He shall keep a correct account of moneys received and disbursed by him, and shall report at the annual meeting.

Sec. 4.—The Council shall deliberate and decide upon all business submitted to them, and generally manage the Association; shall meet previous to the annual meeting, seven members to form a quorum. The Secretary of the Association shall be Secretary of the Council. The Council may report through the Secretary.


Sec. 1.—The Association shall be composed of delegates from the several Lacrosse Clubs in Canada, which has been duly admitted to representation, or which may be admitted in the manner, hereafter provided. Each club shall be entitled to two delegates, and each delegate shall have one vote.

Sec. 2.—Delegates must be members of good standing in the club they represent, and no other.

Sec 3.—No delegate shall be admitted to the Convention unless he shall have filed with the Secretary a certificate of