Page:Laird o' Drum and The baron o'Leys.pdf/11

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“O waes me, O waes me, George Burnett,
And alas! that ever I saw thee;
For I’m in love, sick, sick in love,
And I kenna weel fat to ca’ thee.”

“Some ca’ me this, some ca’ me that,
Whatever name best befa’s me;
But when I am on bonny Deeside,
The Baron o’ Leys they ca’ me.”

“O well is me now, O Baron o’ Leys,
This day that ever I saw thee;
There’s gentle blood within my sides,
And now I ken fat to ca’ thee.”

“But ye’ll pay down ten thousand crowns
Or marry me the morn;
Else I’ll cause you to be headed or hanged,
For geein me the scorn.”

“My head is a thing I canna well want,
My lady loves me dearly;
So I’ll deal thee gold right liberallie,
For lying ae night sae near thee.

When word had gane to the Lady o’ Leys,
The Baron had gotten a bairn;
She clappit her hands and thus did say,
“I wish he were in my arms!

“O well is me now, O Baron o’ Leys,
For ye hae pleased me sairly;
For frae oor house is banished the reproach,
That disturbed me late and early.”