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The Laird o’ Drum.

The Laird o’ Drum is a-huntin gane,
All in a morning early,
An he did spy a weel-faur’d May,
Was shearin at her barley.

“My bonny May, my weel-faur’d May,
O will ye fancy me, O;
An gae and be the Leddy o’ Drum,
An let your shearin a-be, O ?”

“It’s I winna fancy you, kind sir,
Nor let my shearin a-be, O ;
For I’m ower low to be Leddy o’ Drum,
And your miss I’d scorn to be, O.”

“But cast ye aff that gown o’ grey,
Put on the silk and scarlet;
I’ll make a vow, and keep it true,
Ye’ll be neither miss nor harlot.”

“My father he is a shepherd mean,
Keeps sheep on yonder hill, O,
And ye may gae and speer at him,
For I am at his will, O.”

Drum is to her father gane,
Keepin his sheep on yon hill, O—
“I am come to marry your ae dochter,
If ye’ll gie me your good-will, O.”