Page:Laird o' Drum and The baron o'Leys.pdf/5

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“My dochter can naether read nor write,
She ne’er was brought up at scheel, O;
But weel can she milk baith cow and ewe,
An mak a kebbuck weel, O.

“She’ll shake your barn and win your corn,
An gang to kiln and mill, O;
She’ll saddle your steed in time o’ need,
An draw aff your beets hersell, O.”

“I’ll learn your lassie to read and write,
An I’ll put her to the scheel, O ;
She sall niver need to saddle my steed,
Nor draw aff my beets hersell, O.

“But wha will bake my bridal bread,
Or brew my bridal ale, O;
And wha will welcome my bonnie bride,
Is mair than I can tell, O.”

Four-and-twenty gentlemen
Gaed in at the yetts of Drum, O;
But no a man has lifted his hat,
When the Leddy o’ Drum came in, O.

“Meggy Coutts is a very bonnie bride,
And Drum is big and gawsy;
But he may hae chosen a higher match
Than ony shepherd’s lassie! ”

Then up bespak his brither John,
Says, “ Ye’ve done us meikle wrang, O;
Ye’ve marriet ane far below our degree,
A mock to a’ our kin, O.”