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kingdoms, not to mention particular perſons, villages, and families, and all that is tranſacted in theſe ſeveral parts of the country, are there made open; and at their re-encounter on each ſide, every thing is told, as in your pariſh, in milns, kilns, and ſmithies, only with this difference, that many things, falſe are talked at the living re-encounters, but nothing but what is exact truth, is ſaid or told among the dead; only I muſt obſerve to you, that, as I am credibly informed, ſeveral of the inferior bad angels, and ſouls of wicked men departed, have told many things that they have done, and then when a more intelligent ſpirit is ſent out upon enquiry, and the report of the former ſeeming doubtful, he brings in a contrary report, and makes it appear truth, the former fares very ill: nevertheleſs their regard to truth prevents it; for while they obſerve the truth, they do their buſineſs and keep their ſtation, for God is truth.
Ogil. So much truth being among the good angels, I am apt to think that lies and falſehood will be as much in vogue among the bad.
Cool. A groſs miſtake, and it is not alone the miſtake which the living folks fall under, with reſpect to the other world; for the caſe plainly is this, an ill man will not ſtick at any falſehood to promote his deſign; to as little will an evil ſoul departed, ſtand at any thing that can make himſelf ſucceſsful; but