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Cool. No ſuch thing, no ſuch thing! No trial, no trial till the great day! the heaven which good men enjoy after death, conſiſts only in the ſerenity of their minds, and the ſatisfaction of a good conſcience; and the certain hopes they have of eternal joy, when that day ſhall come. The puniſhment, or hell of the wicked immediately after death, conſiſts in the dreadful ſtings of an awakened conſcience, and the terrors of facing the great Judge! and the ſenſible apprehenſions of eternal torments enſuing! And this bears ſtill a due proportion to the evils they did when living. So indeed the ſtate of ſome good folks differ but little in happinefs from what they enjoyed in the world, ſave only that they are free from the body, and the ſins and ſorrows that attended it. On the other hand, there are ſome who may be ſaid rather not to have been good, than that they are wicked, while living, their ſtate is not eaſily diſtinguiſhed from that of the former : And under that claſs comes a great heed of ſouls; a vaſt number of ignorant people. who have not much minded the affairs of eternity, but at the ſame time have lived in much indolence, ignorance, and innocence.
Ogil. I always thought that their rejecting the terms of ſalvation offered, were ſufficient ground for God, to puniſh them with his eternal diſpleaſure; and as to their ignorance that could never excuſe them, ſince they live in a place of the world, where the true