Page:Lamb - History of the city of New York - Volume 3.djvu/18

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21. Steam-Engine House . . . . 471
22. Portrait of Richard Varick . . . 476
23. One-Horse Chair, 1802 . . . . 481
24. Hamilton’s Country-Seat . . . 482
25. Portrait of Theodosia Burr . . . 484
26. Tomb of Hamilton . . . . . 503
27. Portrait of Judge Egbert Benson . 505
28. First Free-School Building . . . 517
29. Residence of Archibald Grade . 521
30. The Coster Mansion . . . . . 522
31. Portrait of Washington Irving . 529
32. Portrait of Robert Fulton . . . 534
33. Trevithick’s Locomotive, 1804 . 537
34. Portrait of Daniel D. Tompkins . 544
35. City Hotel, Trinity Church, and Grace Church . . . . . . 554
36. City Hall Park . . . . . . 557
37. St. John’s Church . . . . . 561
38. Foot of Canal Street and Hudson River . . . . . . . . . 565
39. “Corporation Improvements” . 570
40. Portrait of Colonel Nicholas Fish 576
41. Portrait of Dr. David Hosack . . 582
42. Portrait of General Alexander Macomb . . . . . . . . 594
43. George Clinton’s Tomb . . . . 596
44. Portrait of Colonel Solomon Van Rensselaer . . . . . . . 599
45. Portrait of Captain Isaac Chauncey 605
46. Griswold Arms . . . . . . 612
47. Portrait of Commodore Isaac Hull 615
48. Portrait of Commodore Decatur . 618
49. The Bainbridge Urn . . . . . 622
50. Portrait of Captain James Lawrence . . . . . . . . . 624
51. Portrait of Commodore Perry . . 630
52. Portraits of Lord and Lady Gardiner . . . . . . . . . 633
53. Autograph and Seal of Lion Gardiner . . . . . . . . . 635
54. Diodati Arms . . . . . . . 636
55. Thompson Arras . . . . . . 637
56. Death of the Terrapin or the Embargo . . . . . . . . . 640
57. General Brown’s Gold Box . . . 646
58. New York Paper Currency . . . 648
59. Portrait of Cadwallader D. Colden 650
60. Portrait of Captain Samuel C. Reid . . . . . . . . . . 655
61. Silverware presented to Captain Reid . . . . . . . . . 659
62. Portrait of De Witt Clinton . . 669
63. Deaf and Dumb Asylum . . . 679
64. Interior of Park Theatre, 1822 . 684
65. Portrait of Dr. Samuel Mitchill . 690
66. Silverware of the Van Cortlandts 695
67. Keg with Lake Erie Water . . 699
68. Design upon Ball-Ticket . . . 702
69. Portrait of Mayor Philip Hone . 704
70. Residence of Mayor Philip Hone 708
71. Portrait of John Watts . . . 712
72. Portrait of Bishop Hobart . . 718
73. University of the City of New York . . . . . . . . . 719
74. Portrait of Cornelius W. Lawrence . . . . . . . . . 723
75. Odgen Arms . . . . . . . 726
76. Murray Hill Reservoir . . . . 729
77. Portrait of James Gore King . . 734
78. The Tombs . . . . . . . 737
79. Dutch Reformed Church . . . 740
80. Portrait of Professor Morse . 743
81. View from Union Square, North 749
82. Waddell Mansion . . . . . 756
83. St. Patrick’s Cathedral . . . 759
84. Portrait of Rev. Dr. Adams . . 761
85. Roosevelt Arms . . . . . . 766
86. Portrait of William Cullen Bryant 776
87. Elevated Railways . . . . . 784
88. Bird’s-eye Glimpse of Broadway . 787
89. Corner of Nassau and Wall Streets 789
90. New Street . . . . . . . 790
91. Broadway near Wall Street . . 793
92. Exchange Place . . . . . . 794
93. New York Street Cleaning under the Old and New Regime . . 797
94. Washington Arch . . . . . 799
95. Vanderbilt Dwellings and Fifth Avenue Stage . . . . . . 806
96. The Mall, Central Park . . . 809
97. Brooklyn Bridge, crossing the East River . . . . . . . 811
98. Proposed North River Bridge at Twenty-second Street . . . 812
99. Washington Bridge, Harlem River 815
100. Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty, Bedloe’s Island . . . . . 817
101. Bulk Head Plan of Construction 820
102. Immigrants Landing . . . . 822
103. Proposed New Piers and Arriving Steamers . . . . . . . 825
104. Postman . . . . . . . . . 833
105. Commodore Vanderbilt . . 846
106. New and Old Tenement House Contrasts . . . . . . . . . 849
107. Yachting in the Lower Bay . 852