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Ord. No. 26 of 2004
referred to in the Title Register, is, in the opinion of the Director, inaccurate or inadequate to establish the location, position, or dimensions of the lot,
the Director may cause the lot to be surveyed and a plan thereof prepared.
(2) If a plan of a section of a lot held under a renewable Government lease—
(a) is not registered under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128), or if the plan is so registered is, in the opinion of the Director, inaccurate or inadequate to establish the location, position, or dimensions of the section; or
(b) if the lot is registered under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), is not referred to in the Title Register kept under that Ordinance, or if the plan is referred to in the Title Register, is, in the opinion of the Director, inaccurate or inadequate to establish the location, position, or dimensions of the section, the Director may cause the section to be surveyed and a plan thereof prepared.”.

25. Plan as approved or amended to be delivered to Land Registry

Section 22(a) and (b) is repealed and the following substituted—

“(a) in the case of a lot—
(i) cause the plan to be annexed to the counterpart of the renewable Government lease of the lot kept under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128) and cause the previous plan, if any, to be cancelled; or
(ii) if the lot is registered under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), cause the plan to be entered in the Title Register kept under that Ordinance and cause any entry relating to the previous plan, if any, to be removed from the Title Register;
(b) in the case of a section of a lot—
(i) cause the plan to be registered under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128) in respect of the section of the lot to which the renewable Government lease relates, and cause the previous plan, if any, to be cancelled; or
(ii) if the lot is registered under the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004), cause the plan to be entered in the Title Register kept under that Ordinance and cause any entry relating to the previous plan, if any, to be removed from the Title Register.”.

Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance

26. Interpretation

Section 2(1) of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance (Cap. 49) is amended, in the definition of “registered charge”, by adding—

“(aa) the Land Titles Ordinance (26 of 2004);”.

Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance

27. Interpretation

Section 2 of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) is amended by repealing the definition of “Land Registry”.