Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1835.pdf/54

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The edifice here represented is the residence of the English Minister at the Court of the Nizam, or native prince. The party entering the gate shews the species of state, and the retinue, with which persons of rank appear in public. The curtains of the palanquins, in which females go forth, are always closely drawn: seclusion in the East is, as it were, the element of beauty. It is quite in human nature to admit that—

—————"such must be
     "Dear—and yet dearer for its mystery."


She is as yet a child in years,
    Twelve springs are on her face,
Yet in her slender form appears
    The woman's perfect grace.
Her silken hair, that glossy black,
    But only to be found
There, or upon the raven's back,
    Falls sweeping to the ground.

'Tis parted in two shining braids
    With silver and with gold,
And one large pearl by contrast aids
    The darkness of each fold.
And for she is so young, that flowers
    Seem natural to her now,
There wreaths the champac's snowy showers
    Around her sculptured brow.

Close to her throat the silvery vest
    By shining clasps is bound,
Scarce may her graceful shape be guest,
    Mid drapery floating round.
But the small curve of that vein'd throat,
    Like marble, but more warm,
The fairy foot and hand denote
    How perfect is the form.