Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1838.pdf/60

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Thou hast not chosen to rehearse
    The old heroic themes;
Thou hast not given to thy verse
    The heart's impassioned dreams.
Forth flows thy song as waters flow,
So bright above—so calm below,
    Wherein the heaven seems
Eternal as the golden shade
Its sunshine on the stream hath laid.

The glory which thy spirit hath,
    Is round life's common things,
And flingeth round our common path,
    As from an angel's wings,
A light that is not of our sphere,
Yet lovelier for being here,
    Beneath whose presence springs
A beauty never mark'd before,
Yet once known, vanishing no more.

How often with the present sad,
    And weary with the past,
A sunny respite have we had,
    By but a chance look cast
Upon some word of thine that made
The sullenness forsake the shade,
    Till shade itself was past:
For Hope divine, serene and strong,
Perpetual lives within thy song.

Eternal as the hills thy name,
    Eternal as thy strain;
So long as ministers of Fame
    Shall Love and Hope remain.
The crowded city in its streets,
The valley, in its green retreats,
    Alike thy words retain.
What need hast thou of sculptured stone?—
Thy temple, is thy name alone.