Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1838.pdf/8

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Whence rose the sect that ’neath yon azure dome,
    Hath had such wide domain o’er courts and kings,
    And the wild forest where the condor springs,
Darkening the lonely vale which has his home—
Whence did that sect with all its power come?
From the dim shadows of the sick man’s room!
    The founder, St. Ignatius, knew of life
Whatever of that life might seem the best:
    The glorious fever of the battle-strife,
The pleasure that in court or bower is guest;
    But in all things were care and sorrow rife,
And the soul’s instinct craved diviner rest.
    Then to his hopes a holier aim was given—
    He made of earth the stepping-stone to heaven!