Page:Landon in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book 1839.pdf/29

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In the midst a fountain,
    Singeth day and night,
Each small wave a mirror
    For the changing light.
Now the golden sunshine,
    Softened by the boughs,
Which a doubtful passage
    To the light allows:
Or the moon seems lingering near,
As she paused the words to hear
Of the tales Arabian,
The old Arabian Nights.

On the wind a murmur
    Seems to float along,
Soft as is the music
    Of remembered song.
Bringing at the moment
    All that dwelt apart
In the lone recesses
    Of the haunted heart.
So upon her twilight wings
Memory beareth graceful things
From the tales Arabian,
From the old Arabian Nights.

I can see the garden
    Treasured from the day,
Where the young Aladdin
    Took his wondering way.
Pale the lamp was burning
    Which the genie swayed;
Would that at this moment
    I could have its aid!
All my fancies, now so vain,
I might with a wish obtain;
From the tales Arabian,
The old Arabian Nights.