Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1824.pdf/62

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Literary Gazette, 17th July, 1824, Pages 460-461

    A broader shadow is upon the stream
Where yon old castle stands, and melody
Comes forth, rejoicing on the ear of night;
Not one lone lute, but a full gush of sound,
Heard from a thousand instruments: the harp
Sends its rich sweep of music, and wind-horns
Wake like deep voices of the element.
And there are rainbow lamps around the hall,
Shedding a rosy hue upon the pearls
And purple glory on the diamonds
In the dark tresses of the high-born dames,
Who move around like queens; and there are seen
Vases, like silver clouds, whose glimmerings soft
Light alcoves, filled with rare and costly flowers,
The Indian rose, the golden jessamine.
And there the beautiful recline, whose arms
Look snow in the white ray. Around the walls
Hang purple draperies and gorgeous frames,
Each one a picture of long ancestry,
Armed knights, and robed lords, and lovely dames;
And, like their shadows, on the ground beneath
Move knights and ladies, each as fair and proud.
Red wine and golden cups are on the board,
And their gay benison is Amirald's health,
The castle's younger lord. And many an eye
Shed its blue morning on the graceful youth,
And many marvelled at the silent mood
In which he turned away from the bright dance
To listen to some minstrel. Oh, the heart
Knows not the power of music till it loves!—
And Amirald stood lost in gentle thoughts,