Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1824.pdf/83

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Literary Gazette, 23rd October, 1824, Pages 684


Farewell to all! I shall not gaze
    Again on the blue sea:
As flits the shadow o'er the wave,
    So flits my life from me.

Farewell, then, to the glorious main,
    The beauty of yon sky;
The memory of the orange groves,
    Where dream like time pass'd by,

I bid farewell to each, to all—
    But bid it not to thee—
Oh! surely even in the tomb
    Some sign of love may be.

When thou art mourning o'er my grave,
    My spirit may be near;
Come on the breeze to catch thy sigh,
    To kiss away the tear.

And should another ever claim
    The heart once only mine;
What comfort! that the heart is still
    Which could but beat to thine.L. E. L.