Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1825.pdf/10

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Literary Gazette, 26th March, 1825, Page 203

And you took my young heart,
    And what did you grave there,
But a deep and deadly lesson,
    Its first and last despair.
I am but young in life,
    But I have lived thro' years
Of heart burning and sorrow,
    Of silence and of tears:
But I am too proud to pine,
    And my tears shall be as streams
Cave-locked beneath the earth,
    Of whose flowing no one dreams.
I have taught myself to feign
    Smiles, till those smiles are now
A second nature to my lip,
    A second to my brow.
And when I hear of love,
    I will spurn and scorn the name,
Nor ever own I weep; my heart
    Is ashes, but not flame.
Aye! it is pride to think
    How much the spirit feels
Of agony, and yet
    How little it reveals.
Oh, mockery! I would give worlds,
    If I could dream again
The dreams, which even in my sleep
    I now know are so vain.
But never can I feel
    Again as I have done;
And, alas! the waste of life,
    When love is wholly gone.L. E. L.