Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1825.pdf/2

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Literary Gazette, 22nd January, 1825, Page 59



Thy voice is yet upon mine ear,
    I cannot lose the tone,
Altho' I know what vanity
    Has made my heart its own;
For well I know I cannot be
All thou hast made thyself to me.

I flung me on my couch, to sleep,
    But there no slumber came:
I caught a sound, then blush'd to think
    l nam’d aloud thy name:
How could I let one breath of air
The secret of my heart declare!

That is the only blush, whose red
    Has lit my cheek for thee;
And even that blush had not burnt,
    Had there been one to see.
Oh, never might my spirit brook
Another on its depths to look!

I hear thee nam'd by those who keep
    Thy image in their heart;
I envy them, that they may say
    How very dear thou art.
And yet, methinks, Love may not be
Kept better than in secresy.

I blush not when I hear thy name;
    I sigh not for thy sake;
And tho' my heart may break, yet still
    It shall in silence break.
I have, at least, enough of pride,
If not to heal, mу wound to hide.

'Т is strange, how in things most remote
    Love will some likeness find;
It is as an electric chain
    Were flung upon the mind—
Making each pulse in unison,
Till they but thrill and throb as one.