Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1825.pdf/30

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Literary Gazette, 20th August, 1825, Page 541

"While at the anchorage at Zanzibar," says a private letter from an officer of the Andromache, "a vessel or two arrived, with at least from 150 to 200 slaves each on board; which vessels were, in fact, (had any idea of humanity or kindness prevailed among the dealers,) incapabie of containing more than 20 or 25 persons. The wretched cargoes were literally stowed in bulk*[1]; all sexes and ages wedged together at the bottom of the vessel, and their feet only kept from the water occasioned by the usual leakage, by a cargo of rhinoceros’ hides and horns, gums of several kinds, (particularly copal,) and elephants' teeth."


No surge was on the sea,
No cloud was on the day,
When the ship spread her white wings,
Like a sea-bird on her way.

Ocean lay bright before,
The shore lay green behind,
And a breath of spice and balm
Came on the landward wind.

There rose a curse and wail,
As that vessel left the shore;
And last looks sought their native land,
Which should dwell there no more!

Who seeing the fair ship
That swept through the bright waves,
Would dream that tyrants trod her deck,
And that her freight was slaves!

By day was heard the lash,
By night the heavy groan;
For the slave's blood was on the chain
That festered to the bone!

Was one in that dark ship,
A prince in his own land;
He scorned the chain, he scorned the threat —
He scorned his fetter'd hand.

He called upon his tribe,
And said they might be free!
And his brow was cold and stern,
As he pointed to the sea.

Next night a sullen sound
Was heard amid the wave!
The tyrants sought their captives,---
They only found their grave.Iole.

  1. * Stowed in bulk is a nautical phrase for any thing closely packed, without separation;—a barrel of herrings will convey the best idea of an Arab slave-vessel; and, indeed, of some of the smaller French traders formerly engaged in this traffic about Mauritius and Bourbon.