Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1825.pdf/42

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Literary Gazette, 1st October, 1825, Page 636

I pined to see thy face again;
    I thought our meeting eyes would be
A sunbeam, melting the snow-spell
    That now seemed set 'twixt thee and me.

But the first word, but the first look,
    I felt my hopes were all in vain,
And then I would have given worlds
    I had not seen thy face again.

I shrank from thy cold careless tone,
    I withered in thine altered eye
And felt as if in the wide world
    Was only left for me to die.

I felt my cheek burn at thy gaze,
    Altho' I scorned it for its glow;
I suffered in one little hour
    All a whole life could feel of wo.

It burns tho' now but at the thought
    I could be to such weakness won,
That my high spirit could be taught
    To bend to thee as it has done.

No more of this—I will not think
    Of all I've suffered for thy sake;
I dare not dwell upon the past,
    Or even now my heart will break.

Thy thought shall only be to me
    The picture of a peril o'er—
Enough to know that I have loved,
    Enough to know I love no more!L. E. L.