Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1825.pdf/53

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Literary Gazette, 24th December, 1825, Page 828



How many graceful snatches of romance,
Touches of beauty and of tenderness,
Are scattered, wild-flower like, upon life's path,
And, wild-flower like, past unregarded by.
    How many a history, and traveller's tale,
Lie on the page neglected; which, if wrought
By the fine poet's hand, had waked deep chords,
And kept a long rich memory in the heart.
    I have no laurel, and my name is not
Known 'mid earth's gifted ones, yet in my mind
Is a deep well of poetry, if love
And grief have aught in them of poetry.
    Albeit the Spirit of sweet song may not
Have touched my lips with fire, and given those tones
That make the true bard's music eloquent;
Yet will I try to treasure up, like pearls,
Old histories, and incidents, and thoughts,
Altho’ my setting may but mar their worth.