Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1827.pdf/24

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The Literary Gazette, 22nd September 1827, page 621



"O go not forth to night, my child,
    O go not forth to night;
The rain beats down, the wind is wild,
    And not a star has light."

"The rain it will but wash my plume,
    The wind but wave it dry;
And for such quest as mine, mirk gloom
    Is welcome in the sky.

And little will the warder know
    What step is gliding near;
One only eye will watch below,
    One only ear will hear.

A hundred men keep watch and ward,
    But what is that to me?
And when hath ever love been barred
    From where he wills to be?

Go, mother, with thy maiden band,
    And make the chamber bright;
The loveliest lady in the land
    Will be thy guest to-night."

He flung him on his raven steed—
    He spurr'd it o'er the plain;
The bird, the arrow, have such speed:—
    His mother called in vain.

"His sword is sharp, his steed is fleet,—
    St. Marie, be his guide;
And I'll go make a welcome meet
    For his young stranger-bride."

And soon the waxen tapers threw
    Their fragrance on the air,
And flowers of every morning hue
    Yielded their sweet lives there.