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The Literary Gazette, 27th January 1827, page 59



Translation of Les Feuilles de Saule. Par
Mde. Aimable Tastu.

"Un jour je m’étais amusé à effeuiller une branche de
saule sur un ruisseau, et à attacher une idée à chaque
feuille, que le courant entrainait."— Chateaubriand.

The hour was fair, but Autumn's dying
    Was upon leaf, and flower, and tree;
The sunshine with the season flying,
    As I could feel my life from me.

Beside an aged trunk reclining,
    All other darker days forgot,
The leaves fell, and the waves went pining,—
    Lost in my dreams, I marked them not.

From the old willow o'er me bending,
    My hand, unconscious, stripp'd a bough,
Then watch'd I the light leaves descending,
    Borne on by the blue current's flow.

Idlesse it hath the vaguest dreaming,—
    From their course sought I to divine;
And mid those o'er the waters streaming
    Chose I one for my fortune's sign.

Skiff-like it flow'd with peace before it,
    Till choice of mine upon it fell,—
Then rudely prest the wild waves o'er it—
    It sank: I chose mine emblem well!

Another leaf! to some hope clinging,
    A miracle might guard its way;
‘Twas my lute's fate—the wind past, flinging
    My oracle, my hope away.

To the wave where my fortunes leave me
    My genius passes with the gale:
Shall I trust to it, to bereave me
    Of dearer vow?—my spirits fail.

E’en while at its own weakness blushing,
    My sick heart sinks beneath its fear;
That heart is weak, and dark clouds rushing,
    Are all its omens bid appear.

Down from my hand the green bough falling,
    I leave the willow and the stream;
Yet still their omens drear recalling,
    Those prophet leaves haunt midnight's dream.
L. E. L.