Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1830.pdf/10

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Literary Gazette, 29th May, 1830, Page 354

While he of the lute and the laurel
    For thee has forgotten the throng,
And builds on thy fairy-like beauty
    A future of sigh and of song.
Ay, listen, but as unto music
    The wild wind is bearing away,
As sweet as the sea-shells at evening,
    But far too unearthly to stay.

For the love-dream that haunts the young poet
    Is coloured too much by his mind—
A fabric of fancy and falsehood,
    But never for lasting designed.
For he lives but in beauty—his visions
    Inspire with their passion his strain;
And the spirit so quick at impression
    Was never meant long to retain.

But another is passing before me—
    Oh, pause, let me gaze on thy brow;
I've seen thee, fair lady, thrice lovely,
    But never so lovely as now.
Thou art changed since those earlier numbers,
    When thou wert a vision to me;
And copies from some fairest picture,
    My heroines were painted from thee.

Thy cheek with its sunset of crimson,
    Like a rose crushed on ivory, bears
Its sunny smile still, but a softness
    Is now in the radiance it wears.
A halo of love is around thee,
    It is as if nature had willed
That thy happiness should be affection,
    And thy destiny now is fulfilled.