Page:Landon in Literary Gazette 1831.pdf/13

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Literary Gazette, 24th September, 1831, Page 620

The long green grass was full of life,
    And so was every tree;
On every bough there was a bud,
    In every bud a bee.

And life hath such a gladdening power,
    Thus in its joy arrayed—
The God who made the world so fair
    Must love what he has made.

Fed by the silver rains, a brook
    Went murmuring along,
And to its music, from the leaves,
    The birds replied in song;

And, white as ever lily grew,
    A wilding broom essayed
To fling upon the sunny wave
    A transitory shade.

Misty and grey as morning skies,
    Mid which their summits stood,
The ancient cliffs encompassed round
    The lovely solitude.

It was a scene where faith would take
    Lessons from all it saw,
And feel amid its depths, that hope
    Was God's and Nature's law.

The past might here be wept away—
    The future might renew
Its early confidence on high,
    When years and sins were few.