Page:Landon in The New Monthly 1837.pdf/6

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Subjects for Pictures

’Tis an isle which the ocean
    Has kept like a bride,
For the moonlit devotion
    Of each gentler tide;
No eyes hath ere wander'd,
    No step been addrest,
Where nature has squander'd
    Her fairest and best.

Yet the wild winds have brought from the Baltic afar

That vessel of slaughter, that lord of the war.

He saw his chiefs stooping,
    But not unto him;
The stately form drooping,
    The flashing eye dim.
The wind from the nor'erd
    Swept past, fierce and free;
It hurried them forward,
    They knew not the sea;

And a foe track'd their footsteps more stern than the tide—

The plague was among them—they sicken'd and died.

Left last, and left lonely,
    Earl Harold remain'd;
One captive—one only
    Life's burden sustain'd;
She watch'd o'er his sleeping,
    Low, sweetly she spoke,
He saw not her weeping,
    She smiled when he woke;

Tho' stern was his bearing and haughty his tone,

He had one gentler feeling, and that was her own.

Fierce the wild winds were blowing
    That drove them all night,
Now the hush'd waves are flowing
    In music and light:
The storm is forsaking
    Its strife with the main,
And the blue sky is breaking
    Thro' clouds and thro' rain:

They can see the fair island whereon they are thrown,

Where the palms and the spice-groves rise lovely and lone.

Her bright hair is flying
    Escaped from its fold,
The night-dews are drying
    Away from its gold;
The op'ning flowers quiver
    Beneath the soft air;
She turns with a shiver
    From what is so fair.

Paler, colder the forehead that rests on her knee!

For her, in the wide world, what is there to see!

He tries—vain the trying—
To lift up his sword,
As if still defying
The Death, now his lord.