And surprising course of action,Based on motives new and rare(Being governed by a faction,As they generally were).
In a little time the nationHad a chance of saying whetherIt and its administrationSeemed inclined to pull together:And it spoke its mind with vigour:—"Such disgraceful conduct mustEverlastingly disfigureFuture annals, and disgustEvermore the candid student:You have been unwise, imprudent,Pusillanimous, unjust,And neglectful of the gloryAppertaining to our nameTill this melancholy storyPut a period to our fame."
So this faction, disappointed,Lost the national good graces,And their rivals were anointed,And were set in the high places.
Pretty soon arose conditionsMost embarrassing and hard,And the party politiciansHad to be upon their guard.