Page:Lapsus Calami 1st Ed.djvu/64

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VII. Of A. H. C.

The Literary and Scientific Society.

O ye musical nine, who drink the Castalian waters,
Seated on peaks of Olympus (or, if ye prefer it, Olumpos,—
Browning's a far better judge of the matter than yours very truly—),
Pray be so good as to give me assistance,—for, tho' I'm a poet,
I should be glad to receive a certain amount of assistance—,
Give me your help while I sing how Smith, on the 4th of December,
Did us the honour to read a paper entitled "Pompeii,"
In a Society whose name defies the restriction of metre.

Scarce need we tell of his fervour, research, erudition and learning,
These we must all have observed for ourselves, or at all events heard of,
Heard of from President Pashley, our eloquent President Pashley