Now ready, Fourth Edition (Third Thousand).
Price 2s. 6d.
J. K. S.
SCOTSMAN.—"It is light verse, and it is as good as anything of the kind that has appeared since the Fly Leaves of C. S. C. The 'Drinking Song,' in particular, is worthy of Calverley. . . . It will be enough by way of recommendation to say that the pieces quoted are not the best in the volume."
SCOTSMAN (July 27).—"A new edition of Lapsus Calami (Cambridge: Macmillan & Bowes), by J. K. S., deserves a cordial welcome. These exceedingly bright and witty verses were not originally written for the general public, but when they became accessible to the public they were seized upon with avidity for the delicious freshness which marked all of them, and the genuine wit that gave point to not a few. The author, whose identity is no secret, appears to have thought the original book hardly worthy of its fortune, and he has omitted many of the pieces from the new edition, while adding new ones that make the book-though still a tiny one-larger than at first. He is modest enough to say that 'if every one who bought an original Lapsus Calami buys a revised Lapsus Calami, and if every one who did not buy the old one buys a new one,' he will be satisfied.But the public will not. They will still call for more verses of this kind."
SPECTATOR.—"Parodies of moderate merit are so easy, that we seldom enjoy parodies, but 'J. K. S.'s' parodies are of more than moderate merit. They do not merely make one smile, and then regret