Page:Lars Henning Söderhjelm - The Red Insurrection in Finland in 1918 - tr. Annie Ingebord Fausbøll (1920).djvu/44

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10th October. The staff determine that the Guard shall be recruited in accordance with the law of conscription. In North Tavastland are placed eleven battalions of men between twenty-one and forty years. The training to begin immediately.

16th October. Conscription is extended to the ages from eighteen to twenty-one. A special armed troop is formed of completely trustworthy, capable men. Railway men offer to form own battalion. An espionage department is formed. Maps are provided.

17th October. Four interpreters (for co-operation with the Russians) are appointed. An offer from the Russian soldiers of 500 rifles, at 50 Finnish marks apiece (their real value was from 600 to 800 marks), and 125,000 cartridges, is received and at once closed with. It is decided to procure revolvers.

In this way it was intended to protect the "poor starving working-men" against the "bloodthirsty citizens." A few weeks later it was to appear for what purpose the Russian rifles had actually been procured.


On the 1st November the new Lantdag assembled at Helsingfors. Its most important problem was provisionally, in some way or other, to adjust the complicated relations with Russia. The discussion relating to this question was carried on partly between the party-groups and partly between these and the representative of the Provisional Government in Finland, Governor-General Nekrasov. But while awaiting the solemn opening of the session it was possible to follow in the press how the situation was developing round about in the country The notices thereof in a certain way throw light upon the circumstances.

On the 1st November the papers bring the following