Page:Lars Henning Söderhjelm - The Red Insurrection in Finland in 1918 - tr. Annie Ingebord Fausbøll (1920).djvu/60

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week of the strike by a large force of Red Guards and Russian sailors, the men had fled, the kitchen staff had been murdered, the horses stolen.[1]

A fresh beginning had to be made, and Østerbotten was chosen as the centre for the new organisation.

But the Government had other equally important problems to solve. The independence of Finland had to be secured, food to be procured, and finances to be restored. The field of work was extensive, it all took time, and the Red gang and their comrades, the Russians, could therefore continue their activity undisturbed.

It became one of the chief tasks of the Red Guard after the strike to protect its felonious members against all designs on the part of the force for the maintenance of order. In this they were very successful. None of the murderers or robbers from the strike were caught; only an unfortunate thief was twice arrested by detectives and twice forcibly liberated by his comrades. Each time he was liberated he scolded them soundly because they had not made more haste. Likewise the gains of the revolution were defended by retaining the prisoners in gaol. The district magistrates at Åbo and Helsingfors were each in his separate cell. At Åbo the Red had also taken possession of the lower and higher courts which were thus prevented from working. But a new branch of activity soon flourished for the corps of the Red Guard. From the local representatives in town and country they claimed compensation for the maintenance of order during the strike! At Åbo a claim of half a million was lodged, with the threat of plundering the city if the money were not forthcoming. The money was advanced—worse luck! At Helsingfors the amount was one million,

  1. The horses causing the Red Guard a deal of trouble, a good way of getting rid of them was hit upon later on: it was proposed that the Government should buy them!