Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/79

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"You've got to mind orders while you're on board, Foster."

"Well, perhaps I will if I'm treated fairly," I replied.

"You'll be treated fair enough, never fear. If Lowell has anything of yours I'll get it and keep it for you until you need it. Now go forward, and do as you are told."

For a moment I hesitated. This was not a very satisfactory settlement; but evidently it was the best I could get, and so I retired.

"Bully for you," said Phil Jones, as he followed me into the forecastle. "My, how you did pitch into him!"

"And I'll do it again if he abuses me," I returned, hotly, for I was not yet calmed down over the recent encounter.

"You look able to," went on the cabin-boy. "My, don't I wish I was as strong as you!"

"You will be some day, Phil."

Phil shook his head.

"I reckon not—leastwise, not while I have to live such a dog's life as this on the Spitfire. Say, are them your clothes?" he went on, pointing to the articles of wearing apparel Lowell had given me.

"I presume they are—for this trip. But I don't fancy them much."