Page:Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes.djvu/174

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and says: ‘With these admonitions, I confidently commend the country to the attention of mining capitalists.’ That is the report of a cautious man who visited the country and reported on what he saw.

“You must remember that in the past, in dealing with our reefs, we have not had men acquainted with mining. They were chiefly young fellows who went up and occupied the country, and who knew as little about mining as many of you here do. They had no means of ascertaining, because the mineralisation of that country is quartz, and not alluvial, and we could get in no batteries. Still, the past four years have proved that the whole country is mineralised from end to end, and in reference to the discoveries made I think I am justified in stating that such have been the reports of those who are connected with those discoveries, that nearly three-quarters of a million sterling has been subscribed lately for the development of them, not by puffing prospectuses, but privately by friends of those who have gone out and made reports on what they have discovered. If I might address a word of warning to you, I would say we, as directors, are responsible to you for the Charter as to its capital. Do not go and discount possibilities as if they were proved results. I think, however, that with the facts which I have stated, you may be confident that in the future Matabeleland and Mashonaland will be gold-producing countries, because it would be contrary to Nature to suppose that a country that is mineralised from end to end should not have payable shoots. With these words I will make no further remark as to the gold, save and except to tell you this, that if