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system of military operations against all the Natives generally throughout the island, and every portion thereof whether actually settled or not. Now, therefore, by virtue of the powers and authorities in me in this behalf vested, I, the said Lieut.-Governor, do, by these presents, declare and proclaim, that from and after the date of this my Proclamation, and until the cessation of hostilities in this behalf shall be by me hereafter proclaimed and directed, Martial Law is and shall continue to be in force against all the Black or Aboriginal Natives, within every part of this island (whether exempted from the operations of the said Proclamation or not), excepting always such tribe, or individuals of tribes, as there may be reason to suppose are pacifically inclined, and have not been implicated in any such outrages; and for the purposes aforesaid, all soldiers and others. His Majesty's subjects, civil and military, are hereby required and commanded to obey and assist their lawful superiors in the execution of such measures as shall from time to time be in this behalf directed to be taken. But I do, nevertheless, hereby strictly order, enjoin, and command, that the actual use of arms be in no case resorted to, by firing against any of the Natives, or otherwise, if they can by other means be captured, that bloodshed be invariably checked as much as possible, and that any tribes or individuals captured, or voluntarily surrendering themselves up, be treated with the utmost care and humanity. And all officers, civil and military, and other persons whatsoever, are hereby required to take notice of this my Proclamation, and to render obedience and assistance therein accordingly.

"Given under my hand and seal at arms, at the Government House, Hobart Town, this first day of October, in the year of the Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty.

"George Arthur."

About this time the following Government Notice appeared in the Gazette:

"It has become necessary, in consequence of the repeated incursions of the Aborigines, to extend the military Outposts to remote Stations, where no Quarters have been erected for the accommodation of the troops: the Lieut-Governor, therefore, requests the Settlers, residing in the vicinity of those Stations, will supply the military parties with the authorized Rations, for which they will be paid by the Commissariat; but His Excellency feels satisfied that, on reflection, the Settlers will be sensible, as the Parties are sent solely for their protection against Runaway Convicts and the Aborigines, that they should gratuitously afford such accommodation as is within their power; consequently no