Page:Last of the tasmanians.djvu/161

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of amusement or recreation, but a cause of the most important and serious kind, in which the lives and property of the whole community are more or less at stake.

"4. The utmost disposable military force will be stationed in a few days at those points in the interior which are most exposed to attack, or in which the Natives are most likely to be encountered. The whole force on the north side of the island is confided to the immediate charge of Captain Donaldson, who has already given the inhabitants of that part of the colony good reason to trust in the zeal and activity of the 57th Regiment. The force in the centre of the island, extending from Ross, north-east of St. Patrick's Head, and north-west to Auburn and the Lake River, is under the immediate direction of Captain Wellman, 57th Regiment. The force in the Bothwell district, extending north-west to the Lakes, and south to Hamilton township, is under the immediate orders of Captain Wentworth, 63rd Regiment. The force in the Lower Clyde, extending from Hamilton township, south-east to New Norfolk, is under the charge of Captain Vicary, 63rd Regiment. The force stationed at the Cross Marsh, and the confines of the Oatlands, Richmond, and Bothwell districts, is under the immediate orders of Captain Mahon, 63rd Regiment. The force in the district of Richmond, extending north to Jerusalem, north-east to Prosser's Plains, and east to the coast, is under the orders of Lieutenant Barrow, 63rd Regiment. The force in the district of Oyster Bay, extending south to Little Swan Port, north to the head of Swan River, and west to the Eastern Marshes, is under the orders of Lieutenant Aubin, 63rd Regiment; and, in order to give unity and vigour to the measures of the Government, the direction of the whole of the combined force thus employed, is confided to the charge of Major Douglas, 63rd Regiment, who is stationed at Oatlands, as the most central point of communication.

"5. The stations and residences of the several police magistrates are already well known, and with this general information no individual can be at a loss to decide to what party he will attach himself, so as to give the most effectual aid to the common cause.

"6. Any volunteer parties from Hobart Town will render the most essential service by joining the force in the district of New Norfolk, or the Clyde, or Richmond—those from Launceston, by strengthening the police to the westward of Norfolk Plains, or on the west bank of the Tamar, or in the country extending from Ben Lomond to George Town; while still more desirable service will be given by any parties who will ascend to the parts round the Lakes and Western Bluff, so as to intercept the Natives if driven into that part of the country; and any enterprising young men, who may have been accustomed to make incursions in the interior, and to endure the fatigues of the Bush,