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Page:Late lyrics and earlier, with many other verses (IA latelyricsearlie00hardiala).pdf/94

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Yea, long and slowly. That a phantom should stalk there
With me seemed nothing strange, and talk there
That winter night
By flaming jets of light.

She showed me Juans who feared their call-time,
Guessing their lot;
She showed me her sort that cursed their fall-time,
And that did not.
Till suddenly murmured she: “Now, tell me,
Why asked you never, ere death befell me,
To have my love,
Much as I dreamt thereof?”

I could not answer. And she, well weeting
All in my heart,
Said: "God your guardian kept our fleeting
Forms apart!"
Sighing and drawing her furs around her
Over the shroud that tightly bound her,
With wafts as from clay
She turned and thinned away.

London, 1918.