The roaring torrent is deep and wide!" | Lātus et altus est torrēns." |
And loud that clarion voice replied, | Clāra vēnit vōx respondēns, |
Excelsior! | Excelsior! |
At break of day, as heavenward | Iam lūcēscēbat, et frātrēs |
The pious monks of Saint Bernard | Sānctī Bernardī vigilēs |
Uttered the oft-repeated prayer, | Ōrābant precēs solitās, |
A voice cried through the startled air, | Cum vōx clāmāvit per aurās. |
Excelsior ! | Excelsior! |
A traveler, by the faithful hound. | Sēmi-sepultus viātor |
Half-buried in the snow was found. | Can(e) ā fīdō reperītur, |
Still grasping in his hand of ice | Comprēndēns pugnō gelidō |
That banner with the strange device, | Illud vēxillum cum signō. |
Excelsior! | Excelsior! |
There in the twilight cold and gray, | Iacet corpus exanimum |
Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay, | Sed lūce frīgidā pulchrum; |
And from the sky, serene and far, | Et caelō procul exiēns |
A voice fell, like a falling star, | Cadit vōx, ut Stella cadēns. |
Excelsior! | Excelsior! |