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- neque or nec, conj., neither, nor, and … not; neque … neque, neither … nor
- castellum, -ī, n., redoubt, fort (castle)
- cotīdiē, adv., daily
- cessō, cessāre, cessāvī, cessātus, cease, with the infin.
- incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptus, begin (incipient), with the infin.
- oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus, storm, assail
- petō, petere, petīvī or petiī, petītus, aim at, assail, storm, attack; seek, ask (petition)
- pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus, place, put (position); castra pōnere, to pitch camp
- possum, posse, potuī, ———, be able, can (potent), with the infin.
- vetō, vetāre, vetuī, vetitus, forbid (veto), with the infin.; opposite of iubeō, command
- vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus, conquer (in-vincible)
- vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, ———, live, be alive (re-vive)
- barbarus, -a, -um, strange, foreign, barbarous. As a noun, barbarī, -ōrum, m., plur., savages, barbarians
- dux, ducis, m., leader (duke). Cf. the verb dūcō
- eques, equitis, m., horseman, cavalryman (equestrian)
- iūdex, iūdicis, m., judge
- lapis, lapidis, m., stone (lapidary)
- mīles, mīlitis, m., soldier (militia)
- pedes, peditis, m., foot soldier (pedestrian)
- pēs, pedis,[1] m., foot (pedal)
- prīnceps, prīncipis, m., chief (principal)
- rēx, rēgis, m., king (regal)
- summus, -a, -um, highest, greatest (summit)
- virtūs, virtūtis, f., manliness, courage (virtue)
- Caesar, -aris, m., Cæsar
- captīvus, -ī, m., captive, prisoner
- cōnsul, -is, m., consul
- frāter, frātris, m., brother (fraternity)
- homō, hominis, m., man, human being
- impedīmentum, -ī, n., hindrance (impediment); plur. impedīmenta, -ōrum, baggage
- imperātor, imperātōris, m., commander in chief, general (emperor)
- ↑ Observe that e is long in the nom. sing. and short in the other cases.