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ancora, -ae, f. anchor
Andromeda, -ae, f. Androm'eda, daughter of Cepheus and wife of Perseus
angulus, -ī, m. angle, corner
anim-advertō, -ere, -tī, -sus [animus, mind, + advertō, turn to], turn the mind to, notice
animal, -ālis, n. [anima, breath], animal (§465.b)
animōsus, -a, -um, adj. spirited
animus, -ī, m. [anima, breath], mind, heart; spirit, courage, feeling, in this sense often plural
annus, -ī, m. year
ante, prep. with acc. before
anteā, adv. [ante], before, formerly
antīquus, -a, -um, adj. [ante, before], former, ancient, old
aper, aprī, m. wild boar
Apollō, -inis, m. Apollo, son of Jupiter and Latona, brother of Diana
ap-pāreō, -ēre, -uī, —— [ad + pāreō, appear], appear
ap-pellō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, call by name, name. Cf. nōminō, vocō
Appius, -a, -um, adj. Appian
ap-plicō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, apply, direct, turn
apud, prep. with acc. among; at, at the house of
aqua, -ae, f. water
aquila, -ae, f. eagle
āra, -ae, f. altar
arbitror, -ārī, -ātus sum, think, suppose (§420.c). Cf. exīstimō, putō
arbor, -oris, f. tree (§247.1.a)
Arcadia, -ae, f. Arcadia, a district in southern Greece
ārdeō, -ēre, ārsī, ārsūrus, be on fire, blaze, burn
arduus, -a, -um, adj. steep
Arīcia, -ae, f. Aricia, a town on the Appian Way, near Rome [ram
ariēs, -etis, m. battering-ram (p. 221),
arma, -ōrum, n. plur. arms, armor, weapons. Cf. tēlum
armātus, -a, -um, adj. [armō, arm], armed, equipped
arō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, plow, till
ars, artis, f. art, skill
articulus, -ī, m. joint
ascrībō, -ere, -scrīpsī, -scrīptus [ad, in addition, + scrībō, write], enroll, enlist
Āsia, -ae, f. Asia, i.e. Asia Minor
at, conj. but. Cf. autem, sed
Athēnae, -ārum, f. plur. Athens
Atlās, -antis, m. Atlas, a Titan who was said to hold up the sky
at-que, ac, conj. and, and also, and what is more. atque may be used before either vowels or consonants, ac before consonants only
attentus, -a, -um, adj. [part. of attendō, direct (the mind) toward], attentive, intent on, careful
at-tonitus, -a, -um, adj. thunderstruck, astounded
audācia, -ae, f. [audāx, bold], boldness, audacity
audācter, adv. [audāx, bold], compared audācius, audācissimē, boldly
audāx, -ācis, adj. bold, daring
audeō, -ēre, ausus sum, dare
audiō, -īre, -īvī or -iī, -ītus, hear, listen to (§§420.d, 491)
Augēās, -ae, m. Auge´as, a king whose stables Hercules cleaned
aura, -ae, f. air, breeze
aurātus, -a, -um, adj. [aurum, gold], adorned with gold