- laetē, adv. [laetus, glad], compared laetius, laetissimē, gladly
- laetitia, -ae, f. [laetus, glad], joy
- laetus, -a, -um, adj. glad, joyful
- lapis,-idis, m. stone (§§247.2.a; 464.1)
- Lār, Laris, m.; plur. Larēs, -um (rarely -ium), the Lares or household gods
- lātē, adv. [lātus, wide], compared lātius, lātisaimē, widely
- Latīnē, adv. in Latin. Latīnē loquī, to speak Latin
- lātitūdō, -inis, f. [lātus, wide] width
- Lātōna, -ae, f. Latona, mother of Apollo and Diana
- lātus, -a, -um, adj. wide
- latus, -eris, n. side, flank, ab utrōque latere, on each side
- laudō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [laus, praise], praise
- laurea, -ae, f. laurel
- laureātus, -a, -um, adj. crowned with laurel
- laus, laudis, f. praise
- lectulus, -ī, m. couch, bed
- lēgātus, -ī, m. ambassador; lieutenant
- legiō, -ōnis, f. [cf. legō, gather], (body of soldiers), legion, about 3600 men (§ 464.2.a)
- legiōnārius, -a, -um, adj. legionary. Plur. legiōnāriī, -ōrum, m. the soldiers of the legion
- legō, -ere, lēgī, lēctus, read
- lēnis, -e, Adj. gentle, smooth, mild
- lēniter, adv. [lēnis, gentle], compared lēnius, lēnissimē, gently
- Lentulus, -ī, m. Lentulus, a Roman family name
- leō, -ōnis, m. lion
- Lernaeus, -a, -um, adj. Lernæan, of Lerna, in southern Greece
- Lesbia, -ae, f. Lesbia, a girl's name
- levis, -e, adj. light
- lēx, lēgis, f. measure, law
- libenter, adv. [libēns, willing], compared libentius, libentissimē, willingly gladly
- līber, -era, -erum, adj. free (§469.b)
- līberī, -ōrum, m. [līber, free], children
- līberō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [līber, free], set free, release, liberate
- lībertās, -ātis, f. [līber, free], freedom, liberty
- līctor, -ōris, m. lictor (p. 225)
- līmus, -ī, m. mud
- littera, -ae, f. a letter of the alphabet; in plur. a letter, epistle
- lītus, -oris, n. seashore, beach
- locus, -ī, m. (plur. locī and loca, m. and x.), place, spot
- longē, adv. [longus', long], comp. longius, longissimē, a long way off; by far
- longinquus, -a, -um, adj. [longus, long], distant, remote
- longitūdō, -inis, f. [longus, long], length
- longus, -a, -um, adj. long
- loquor, loquī, locōtus sum, dep. verb, talk, speak
- lōrīca, -ae, f. [lōrum, though, coat of mail, corselet
- lūdo, -ere, lūsī, lūsus, play
- lūdus, -ī, m. play; school, the elementary grades. Cf. schola
- lūna, -ae, f. moon
- lūx, lūcis, f. (no gen. plur.), light. prīma lūx, daybreak
- Lȳdia, -ae, f. Lydia, a girl's name
- M., abbreviation for Mārcus
- magicus, -a, -um, adj. magic
- magis, adv. in comp. degree [magnus, great], more, in a higher degree (§ 323)