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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/343

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minimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared parvus, minor, minimus, least, smallest (§311)
minor, minus, -ōris, adj. in comp. degree, compared parvus, minor, minimus, smaller, less (§311)
Mīnōs, -ōis, m. Minos, a king of Crete
minus, adv. in comp. degree, compared parum, minus, minimē, less (§323)
Minyae, -ārum, m. the Minyae, a people of Greece
mīrābilis, -e, adj. [mīror, wonder at], wonderful, marvelous
mīror, -ārī, -ātus sum, dep. verb [mīrus, wonderfull], wonder, marvel , admire
mīrus, -a, -um, adj. wonderful
Mīsēnum, -ī, Mise'num, a promontory and harbor on the coast of Campania. See map
miser, -era, -erum, adj. wretched, unhappy, miserable
missus, -a, -um, part, of mittō, sent
mittō, -ere, mīsī, missus, send
modicus, -a, -um [modus, measure], modest, ordinary
modo, adv. [abl. of modus, measure, with shortened o], only, merely, just now. modo...modo, now...now, sometimes...sometimes
modus, -ī, m. measure; manner, way; kind
moenia, -ium, n. plur. [cf. mūniō, fortify], walls, ramparts
molestē, adv. [molestus, troublesome], compared molestius, molestissimē, annoyingly. molestē ferre, to be annoyed
molestus, -a, -um, troublesome, annoying, unpleasant (§501.16)


moneō, -ēre, -uī, -itus, remind, advise, warn (§489)
mōns, montis, m. mountain(§247.2.a)
mōnstrum, -ī, n. monster
mora, -ae, f. delay
moror, -ārī, -ātus sum, dep. verb [mora, delay], delay, linger; impede
mors, mortis, f. [cf. morior, die], death
mōs, mōris, m. custom, habit
mōtus, -ūs, m. [cf. moveō, move], motion, movement, terrae mōtus, earthquake
moveō, -ēre, mōvī, mōtus, move
mox, adv. soon, presently
mulier, -eris, f. woman
multitūdō, -inis, f. [multus, much], multitude
multum (multō), adv. [multus, much], compared plūs, plūrimum, much (§477)
multus, -a, -um, adj., compared plūs, plūrimus, much; plur. many (§311)
mūniō, -īre, -īvī or -iī, -ītus, fortify, defend
mūnītiō, -ōnis, f. [mūniō, fortify], defense, fortifcation
mūrus, -ī, m. wall. Cf. moenia
mūsica, -ae, f. music


nam, conj for. Cf. enim
nam-que, conj., a strengthened nam, introducing a reason or explanation, for, and in fact; seeing that
nārrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, tell, relate
nāscor, nāseī, nātus sum, dep. verb, be born, spring from
'nātūra, -ae, f. nature
nātus, part, of nāsoor
nauta, -ae, m. [for nāvita, from nāvia, ship], sailor