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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/346

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ōrnāmentum, -ī, n. [ōrnō, fit out], ornament, jewel
ōrnātus, -a, -um, adj. [part of ōrnō, fit out], fitted out; adorned
ōrnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, fit out, adorn


P., abbreviation for Pūblius
paene, adv. nearly, almost
palūdāmentum, -ī, n. military cloak
palūs, -ūdis, f. swamp, marsh
pānis, -is, m. bread
pār, paris, adj. equal (§ 471. iii)
parātus, -a, -um, adj. [part, of parō, prepare], prepared, ready
parcō, -ere, peper’cī (parsī), parsūrus, spare, with dat. (§501. 14)
pāreō, -ēre, -uī, —, obey, with dat. (§501.14)
parō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, prepare for, prepare; provide, procure
pars, partis, f. part, share; side, direction
parum, adv., compared minus, minimē, too little, not enough (§323)
parvus, -a, -um, adj., compared minor, minimus, small, little (§311)
passus, -ūs, m. step, pace, mīlle passuum, thousand paces, mile (331.b)
pateō, -ēre, patuī, —, lie open, be open; stretch, extend
pater, -tris, m. father (§464.2.a)
patior, -ī, passus sum, dep. verb, bear, suffer, allow, permit
patria, -ae, f. [cf. pater, father], fatherland, (one’s) country
paucus, -a, -um, adj. (generally plur.), few, only a few
paulisper, adv. for a little while
paulō, adv. by a little, little
paulum, adv. a little, somewhat


pāx, pācis, f. (no gen. plur.), peace
pecūnia, -ae, f. [pecus, cattle], money
pedes, -itis, m. [pēs, foot], foot soldier
pedester, -tris, -tre, adj. [pēs, foot], on foot; by land
peior, peius, -ōris, adj. in comp. degree, compared malus, peior, pessimus, worse (§311)
pellis, -is, f. skin, hide
penna, -ae, f. feather
per, prep, with ace. through, by means of, on account of. In composition it often has the force of thoroughly, completely, very (§340)
percussus, -a, -um, adj. [part, of percutiō, strike through], pierced
per-dūcō, -ere, -dūxī, -ductus [per, through, + dūcō, lead], lead through. fossam perdūcere, to construct a ditch
per-exiguus, -a, -um, adj. [per, very, + exiguus, small], very small, very short
perfidus, -a, -um, adj, faithless, treacherous, false
per-fringō, -ere, -frēgī, -frāctus [per, through, + frangō, break], shatter
pergō, -ere, perrēxī, perrēctus [per, through, + regō, conduct], go on, proceed, hasten
perīculum, -ī, n. trial, test; danger
peristȳlum, -ī, n. peristyle, an open court with columns around it
perītus, -a, -um, adj. skillful
perpetuus, -a, -um, adj, perpetual
Perseus, -eī, Perseus, a Greek hero, son of Jupiter and Danaē
persōna, -ae, f . part, character, person
per-suādeō, -ēre, -suāsī, -suāsus [per, thoroughly, + suādeō, persuade], persuade, advise, with dat. (§ 501.14), often with an object clause of purpose (§ 501.41)