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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/348

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prae-beō, -ēre, -uī, -itus [prae, forth, + habeō, hold], offer, give
praeda, -ae, f, booty, spoil, plunder
prae-dīcō, -ere, -dīxī, -dictus [prae, before, + dīcō, tell], foretell, predict
prae-ficiō, -ere, -fēcī, -fectus [prae, before, + faciō, make], place in command, with. acc. and dat (§501.15)
prae-mittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus [prae, forward, + mittō, send], send forward
praemium, praemī, n. reward, prize
praeruptus, -a, -um [part, of praerumpō, break off], broken off, steep
praesēns, -entis, adj. present, immediate
praesertim, adv. especially, chiefly
praesidium, praesi’dī, n. guard, garrison, protection
prae-stō, -āre, -stitī, -stitus [prae, before, + stō, stand], (stand before), excel, surpass, with dat (§501.15); show, exhibit
prae-sum, -esse, -fuī, -futūrus [prae, before, sum, be], be over, be in command of, with dat. (§501.15)
praeter, prep, with acc. beyond, contrary to (§340)
praetereā, adv. [praeter, besides, + , this], in addition, besides, moreover
praetextus, -a, -um, adj. bordered, edged
praetōrium, praetō’rī, n. prætorium
prandium, prandī, n. luncheon
premō, -ere, pressī, pressus, press hard, compress; crowd, drive, harass
(prex, precis), f. prayer
primō, adv. [prīmus, first], at first, in the beginning (§322)
prīmum, adv. [primus, first], first. quam prīmum, as soon as possible
prīmus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared prior, prīmus, first (§315)


prīnceps, -cipis, m. [prīmus, first, + capiō, take], (taking the first place) chief, leader (§464.1)
prior, prius, -ōris, adj. in comp. degree, superl. prīmus, former (§315)
prīstinus, -a, -um, adj. former, previous
prō, prep, with abl. before; for, for the sake of, in behalf of; instead of, as (§209). In composition, forth, forward
prō-cēdō, -ere, -cessī, -cessūrus [prō, forward, + cēdō, go], go forward, proceed
procul, adv. far, afar off
prō-currō, -ere, -currī (-cucurrī), -cursus [prō, forward, + currō, run], run forward
proelium, proelī, n. battle, combat. proelium committere. join battle. proelium facere, fight a battle
profectiō, -ōnis, f. departure
proficīscor, -ī, -fectus sum, dep. verb, set out, march. Cf. ēgredior, exeō
prō-gredior, -ī, -gressus sum, dep. verb [prō, forth, + gradior, go], go forth, proceed, advance. Cf. pergō, prōcēdō
prōgressus, see prōgredior
prohibeō, -ēre, -uī, -itus [prō, forth, away from, + habeō, hold], keep away from, hinder, prevent
prō-moveō, -ēre, -mōvī, -mōtus [prō, forward, + moveō, move], move forward, advance
prō-nūntiō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus [prō, forth, + nūntiō, announce], proclaim, declare
prope, adv., compared propius, proximē, nearly. Prep, with acc. near
prō-pellō, -ere, -pulī, -pulsus [prō, forth, + pellō, drive], drive forth; move, impel