the very outset, pupils quickly get the idea that the order of words is of little consequence. Have the sentences written on the board and corrected. Then have them handed in for further correction. (See M. 10.)
This Lesson is especially important because it aims to give the fundamental concept of the dative case. In § 43 the pupil is warned against using the dative to express motion through space. If he is curious to know how such a relation is expressed, it will not do any harm to tell him that the Latin uses the accusative with ad or in. That mere statement will satisfy him without diverting his attention from the dative, the chief business of the hour. It will be well to have the class memorize the last sentence in §43, beginning “But the dative is used,” etc.
After the class has pointed out the dative relations in § 43. a, ask the pupils for other examples in English and give some of your own.
Treat the new vocabulary as in Lesson IV and continue the same method in the succeeding Lessons. Follow the suggestions in M. 9.
Pronounce and have the class repeat the Latin sentences in §47.I.
On the review it is often well for the teacher to read the Latin sentences to the class and have the class translate with books closed. In the same way, let the review English-Latin sentences be given orally from dictation.
This Lesson does for the ablative what Lesson V does for the dative and is equally important. The three fundamental relations expressed by the ablative (§50. 1, 2, 3) must be firmly fixed in mind.
After the ablative relations in §50.a have been pointed out, ask the pupils to give English sentences containing other examples.