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Page:Latin for beginners (1911).djvu/394

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Note that in the declension of nouns in -us the vocative singular should be given because it is different from the nominative.

Tell the pupils that in Early Latin the endings -us and -um were -os and -om. That will make clearer to them the reason for calling this the O-Declension.

Make a blank scheme of the Second Declension as you did of the First and drill in the same way.

Be sure that every pupil can repeat the five general rules for declension, § 74.a-e.

When you pronounce the vocabulary (p. 285) emphasize the distinction between the sound of long and short o in such words as cōnstantia and oppidum. Note that equus is a word of two syllables (see § 7, sound of qu). Explain that the lēgātus, usually translated lieutenant, was, in the Roman army, an officer of high rank and second in command to the general himself.


The nouns and adjectives assigned for declension at the end of § 79 should be declined both orally and at the board.

Make a blank scheme of noun and adjective together and use it for drill.

In pronouncing the vocabulary (p. 285) the word populus needs special care. Pupils are prone to sound the o long or else to give it the sound of English short o, as in not.

In § 82.I.10, be sure that labōrant is accented on the penult.

In § 82.II.1 and 3, refer the pupils to § 77, footnote 1, for the correct translation of does praise and does love.


Place on the board a blank scheme of the complete adjective declension and drill on it until replies are immediate.

§ 84 will need careful explanation and illustration.

In § 86.I. 4, drill on the pronunciation of Populus Rōmānus to bring out the distinction between long and short o.