Page:Laugh and be fat, the golden dreamer, or, Dreams interpreted.pdf/10

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To dream you build a church, or erect an alter, signifies some of your family will become a priest.

To dseam you see yourself sitting or lying in a church, signifies change of apparel.

To dream that you are playing with dogs is a very good sign.

To dream you see white hens upon a dunghill, shews disgrace by a false acusation.

To dream on is in a pleasant meadow signifies the possestion of riches and pleasure.

To dream that two lovers meet, and have not power to speak to each other, shews that the match will be broken off.

To dream of embraces denotea a sudden marriage.

To dream of fine clothing, and they turn to rags upon your backs shew poverty.

To dream one is with child, and does not know the father shews marriage to a stranger.

For one to dream that he goes over a broken bridge, signifies fear, & to dream you fall upon a bridge, signifies obstrucion in business.

To dream you see a flock of birds that chirp merrily, promises good news; and