Page:Laugh and be fat, the golden dreamer, or, Dreams interpreted.pdf/23

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the goods of fortune, and thus he shall continue happy and prosperous, to a woman it signifies the like, and that she is chaste and virtuous.

A mole in the midst of the body denotes a man to be choleric, rough, and untractable, one that for his disquitude procures himself hatred and contempt; to a woman it denotes a conceit or her own perfections a levity of mind yet she shall be fortunate.

A mole appearing in the midst of the privy member, denotes a man honest and virtuous yet subject to reproach undeserved, and to a woman an impotent hononr, though nevertheless subject to the malice and calumny of evil tongues.

A mole on the right ribs, denotes a man to be very industrious, a great admirer of arts and sciences, by which he shall atain to riches & honor to a woman it denotes advancement to be obtained by her virtuous and modest behaviour.

A mole on the left side the stomach denotes the party to suffer much through the