Page:Lazarev 2020a D.scabricolle web.pdf/13

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punctated; last abdominal tergites widely rounded, sternites shalowly emarginated; body length in males: 9.5-17.7 mm, width: 3.4-7.0 mm; body length in females: 10.8-20.2 mm, width: 4.4-8.2 mm.

Distribution. About whole Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), about whole Turkey (without European part), north-west half of Iran (southwards to about 36°).

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle scabricolle (Dalman, 1817)

Figs 1-2

Lamia (Dorcadion) scabricolle Dalman, 1817: 174 – “Habitat in Georgia Asiae”.

Dorcadion (Pedestredorcadion) scabricolle m. scabricolle, Breuning, 1948b: 515. Dorcadion (Pedestredorcadion) scabricolle scabricolle, Breuning, 1962: 456, part. (including m. modestum Tourn. = lutescens Kr.).

Dorcadion scabricolle scabricolle, Danilevsky, 1999: 25, part. – Armenia (Arailer Mt., Ashotzk, Biurakan, Garni, Gehard, Dzhrarat, Dzhrvezh, Khosrov, Marmashen, Megri, Nubarashen, Tzahkadzor, Tzovagiuh), Azerbaijan (Khanlar, Gasmalyan, Mistan) and in Nakhichevan part (Negram), all over Turkey and in North Iran.

Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle scabricolle, Özdikmen, 2007: 308, part. – “described from Georgia occurring in Transcaucasia and Armenia to Anatolia”; 2010a: 466; 2012a: 79; 2016: 2441; Özdikmen et al., 2009: 86; Danilevsky et al., 2005: 137, 141 (endophallus); Dani1evsky, 2010: 252, part. – “A: AB AR GG TR”; Lazarev, 2013: 225, part. – Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan (including Nakhichevan), Turkey, Iran.

Type locality. Georgia – according to the original description.

Diagnosis. Body big, elongated; lateral thoracic spines short, but sharpened; pronotum in males and in females strongly tranverse with big dense punctation; shining areas between spots usually very small; pronotal sculpture rather rough with longitudinally arranged rugae; legs and first antennal joint dark-red; elytral stripes in males and in females narrow, with regular margins; white strokes near elytral base totally absent or slightly pronounced; females are usually autochromal; androchromal females are known from West Azerbaijan population only, which is transitional to the next Armenian subspecies; body length in males: 9.8-16.8 mm, width: 3.9-5.7 mm; body length in females: 12.8-17.0 mm, width: 5.5-6.8 mm.

Materials. 2 males, 2 females, Georgia, Mtskheta, 7.4.2010 – local collector leg. – MD; 22 males, Rustavi environs, 41°30΄17΄΄N,